Learn How to Sing High Notes

Learn How to Sing High Notes

Have you always wanted to sing higher? If you are a singer, chances are you want to improve how your high notes sound. While there are a lot of ideas on how you can get this done, some of them are quite misleading. This article highlights some of the effective tips...

How To Sing in Harmony (Learn to Harmonize)

If you listen to the radio, you can easily find a number of harmonies. You won’t only hear them during the chorus but you can also find them sprinkled through the rest of the track. A lot of the time the harmony part will be layered in the background, just lifting a...

Learn How To Sing In These Seven Steps

Learning how to sing involves a series of steps, start with vocal warm-ups and some breathing exercises to help you find your range. Upon finding your range, develop your voice by singing your vowels, using your nose and diaphragm, and hitting high notes. To learn how...

Singing Tips for Beginners

You may have a natural talent for singing that you are unaware of. However, it can be difficult to ascend the vocal ladder to a professional level. What keeps professionals singing better than others is their lifestyle that is completely devoted to the development of...

8 Easy Daily Singing Exercises

Just like an athlete needs to stretch their muscles before practice or the big game, a singer will need to warm up their voice by doing singing exercises before a rehearsal or a performance. You’ll only need to spend about ten minutes warming up your voice in order to...